

Welcome to Discord for Jira, the integration that makes project management and collaboration a breeze by connecting Jira with Discord. Our documentation will walk you through the setup, feature usage, and answer any questions you may have.

New to Jira? Jira is a powerful project management tool trusted by 65,000+ companies, including giants like Spotify and NASA, as well as smaller teams and freelancers.

New to Discord? Discord is a popular free voice and text chat app, used by 500+ million people worldwide for seamless team communication.


Discord for Jira gives you following features:

  • Project Notifications: Get real-time Jira issue updates in Discord channels with customizable triggers.
  • Personal Notifications: Receive important updates via direct messages to stay in the loop.
  • Issue Creation: Use our Jiri bot to create Jira issues directly from Discord.
  • Mentioning issues: Get details of Jira issues mentioned in Discord directly in the channel.
  • Ticket Bot: Let your users register Jira service project tickets directly from Discord.

Let’s get started!

If you’re new to Discord for Jira, we recommend continuing with this Getting Started quick start to get the integration up and running. Once you’re ready to start using the integration, check out our Guides for detailed instructions on how to use each feature.

Install Discord for Jira